Meet Cinch Project
In 2010–2016 a series of two “CINCH projects” – CINCH-I: Cooperation in Education in Nuclear Chemistry, and CINCH-II: Cooperation and training in Education in Nuclear Chemistry – was supported within Euratom FP7. The projects aimed at mitigating the special skill-based deficits within nuclear chemistry at masters and doctorate levels and the decline of number of staff qualified in this field. The projects were built around the well-proven five-phase (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation) Systematic Approach for Training (SAT) developed by IAEA; while CINCH-I dealt with the first three phases of the process, CINCH-II concentrated on the Implementation. Additionally, evaluation mechanisms were proposed and tested on the pilot courses developed during the projects.
Even though a major step towards the sustainability of the results achieved was done before the end of CINCH-II project – establishment of the NRC Network – some support was still needed during the period of transition to real sustainability. Without such support, a real danger existed that a significant part of the important achievements of the CINCH projects would die and thus most of the money invested into CINCH and CINCH-II would be wasted. However, the MEET-CINCH project does not aim at sustainability only – its main aims are to pro-actively bring the results achieved so far to their end-users (CINCH VET e-shop), significantly contribute to attracting new talents and increasing the nuclear (chemistry) awareness by developing a MOOC – Massive Open On-line Course, and investigate the applicability of the modern Flipped (Inverted) Classroom concept in the nuclear chemistry teaching and training field.
The MEET-CINCH consortium involves 12 partners from 9 EU countries.
Starting date of the project is June 1, 2017 and its duration is 36 months.